
Sometimes the unpredictable guy attitude makes her own confused feelings about them. Despite dating, men sometimes do not like to show their love. However, do not worry Ladies. If you find these signs to him, meaning that he does love you to death, as reported by Cosmopolitan.

1. Caught looking at you
Men always take the woman he desires, including looking at it if the opportunity arises. If you have seen him looking at you, it means he's crazy. Because compared to see other beautiful women, he prefers to spend his time just to watch your movements.

2. He was staring at the
Men are very careful if you want to show her feelings. So, when they look at your eyes long and deep, meaning it is lowered vigilance. Staring eyes of the woman he loves is also his way of showing that she is very comfortable and is owned entirely by women.

3. Buy your favorite food
When shopping, she bought feminine foods like yogurt, diet soda, and other foods that are not liked, but to be your favorite. Well, this is the way he shows his attention as well. He will give you everything that can make you happy, including the preferred partner to buy food.

4. Bring your stuff out
By carrying a woman, a man clearly shows that he's taken. Of course this also means that he is very comfortable and crazy partner instead. The proof he showed proof that he has become yours.

5. Talking about the future
Men only talk about the future when they can see hope with her in the future. Also when he was very confident that she is the one who will invited through life until old age. If he often said his future plans with you, it's a sign that he really was in love hard.

6. Wear your gift
Men do not like to set-set, including the matter of dress. In addition because of their ego, set-set of attire also makes them look weak. So if you see that you give use a sweater, or follow the way of dressing do you guys suggest, it means that he actually believed and had fallen in love with you. This means you allow him or her to take control.

7. Accompany you while walking
Position with your man when in public to show a lot of things. Men are still not entirely convinced by his partner will usually run a few steps behind or even in front. This position is secure if his eyes darting like. However, men who are crazy about their partner will be right next to him. That way, he's easier spouse's hand and whispered something in his ear. It's also the way he shows that he's taken.

8. Women are allowed to answer the phone
Phone for a man to save a million secrets and, perhaps, memories. Ex could suddenly call or send a message not to mention if there are other women who wanted to tease him. If men allow women to tamper with and answered the call when they are not there, they show that there is nothing to hide. Men are not easy to share, so permission to answer the phone means that women are special.

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