
Variety celebration of the new year in countries with a tradition of each. Among other things, it could look like below.

1. fireball Viking (Scotlandia)

Every December 31, the festival takes place in Scotland's annual "Festival of Hogmanay". All adult males were so many participants, and they marched through the main streets holding torches.

As a result, balls of fire filled the air throughout the night Scotland cap year. This festival is a tradition passed down since the days of the Vikings dominate Scandinavia.

They believe the fire balls as a symbol of purification and hope in the return of the sun menyaput winter so fleeting.

2. Breaking Dishes at Home Neighbors (Denmark)

Residents of Denmark had another unique tradition, which broke a plate with a throw to the door of their neighbor's house. This tradition has spread throughout Denmark so there is no one to complain or scold the offender.

These beliefs in order to get good luck for a year. Hence, for most families solve a variety of items of crockery on the neighbor's door, they are most trustworthy prosper.

3. Speaking to the Spirit (Mexico)

Talking to spirits is a belief firmly attached to the Mexico, and New Year's Eve is believed to be the most appropriate time to communicate with the spirits of the dead as a way to get a specific message, or a hint of the future.

Finally, this tradition has become a business area yearly. For example, at the Taos Inn, an inn in New Mexico offers a ready to be a psychic link with the spirit world. One 15-minute session is priced 15 U.S. Dollars.

4. Mistletoe leaves Jodoh Wishers (Irlandia)

In Ireland, the leaves of mistletoe are often used by women who wanted to get to mate. Usually when New Year's Eve, the single girls put some mistletoe leaves under the pillow so that the 'Prince Charmings heart' can quickly come to apply them.

In addition, they also believe this habit to keep out of bad luck in the new year ahead.

Mistletoe leaf is a leaf that is often used as a decoration on the Christmas celebration. The tree is actually a parasitic plant of the order Santalales comprising Santalaceae family, Loranthaceae, and Misodendraceae.

5.Fuel scarecrow (Ekuador)

Almost similar to the tradition of Scots, in Equador also celebrate the new year with fire. However, in this Latin American country, fire is used to burn the scarecrow (Scarecrows) are usually made of a collection of newspaper and wooden planks.

Burning conducted at midnight, at "00:00" at the turn of the year, and performed almost in every home. They believe, with a burning scarecrow, then finished burning all the bad things during the past year.

Rice scarecrows are also believed to create fear of bad luck, so that the new year could bring good luck and happiness.

6. New Years in Funeral (Chile)

In Chile, there is precisely in Talca unique tradition every New Year. Residents of Talca celebrate the new year with their families of the dead. Therefore, each opening at 23.00 Mayor Talca Talca's main cemetery gate.

That's when people came to the accompaniment of classical music and the dim flickering lights to complement the event. This tradition contains the belief that the deceased had been waiting for her family and to start the new year with them.

7. Colorful Underwear (Brazil)

Actually, the celebration is not only true in Brazil, but also to Bolivia and Mexico. Latin Americans believe that wearing underwear (underwear) while colorful New Year's Eve will make good luck to them all year.

Typically used are light colors such as red or yellow. The red color symbolizes life full of love will continue to approach. While the color yellow for prosperity easier.

Well, it's New Year's celebration in Brazil and Latin America's most seductive surroundings, yes.

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