
you believe him, admire him even willing to do anything for her. Nothing wrong with that, but did you know that all women lie in certain situations, and one of them might be your partner.

Sometimes she lied to protect her feelings or feelings of their partner. His motives are unpredictable, but whatever the case, some lies are more common in certain cases. Learn what the lie is, its features and how to overcome them.

Here it is, five common falsehoods commonly done by women on their partners, as reported by AskMen, Tuesday (21/7/2009).

1. 'I'm Not Angry'
If she said it, it was clear that he was angry. Do not think you can handle it with ease. This lie is the type most often used in a relationship. The woman said this in an attempt to defend themselves. For example, if a guy forgot his girlfriend's birthday and apologized afterwards, she usually says 'I'm not angry'.

With talk like that, she really wanted him to read her mind, and learned that the words 'I am not angry' actually means 'I'm throwing a laser gun is not visible now'.

The most appropriate actions to overcome this lie is to call, listen to his true feelings and discuss what makes him angry.

2. 'I Do not Mind You Going With Your Friends Friends'
Do not like it if your girlfriend said so. Wise words indeed very pleasant to hear, but it was all she would mind if their partner was away with her friends.

Full sentences spoken lies, too many women to make them feel pity or sad. Women are very concerned if their partner hanging out with male friends because they can do all sorts, including the affair.

Women do not want to be secondary, it is also possible to say. Should discuss and explain what you used to do, and your friends at the gathering. Women just need to be understanding, that's all.

3. 'I'm Not Ready Current Courtship'
Women who say that actually stores the sentence continued in his heart, like 'I just do not want to hurt again after a break up some time ago'.

Or if he refuses with the phrase 'I am too busy with his career to live a relationship', he really just wanted to know how much your determination to get it. It all depends on your choice if it is so, try it or leave it.

4. 'I would not Mind Paying This time, Anyway You Always Pay Previous'
If she had said so, believe me that was a lie. Although not all women do lie, but most of them still expect everything to be paid for a man, especially if the call-out or eat it came from him. Men should offer payment earlier than women.

Overcome this problem, we encourage you to prepare a plan, including costs incurred to go on a date. You could just be fair and pay mambayar mendsikusikan matter with a female partner, but for the early stages of dating should not take the risk.

5. 'That was Very Good'
This lie is a lie sexual category. When a woman has been committed by a man, he will focus, trust and feel very comfortable with them. Therefore, they are also often tell him what you want to hear the man.

As in sex, she would say something that he can make the man happy and proud, like 'Honey, you're so great just now'.

When the time comes to make love, it would be safer if you discuss things with your partner. Do not let it mmbohongi himself or you.

If you already know the lies women, quickly react wisely and fairly as possible. Once a woman knows that you can not be fooled, it will be more honest and forthright again later.

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