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10 Hewan Terlangka Di Dunia
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1. The Pinta Island tortoise

Adanya di kepulauan pinta. Masuk dalam spesies Giant Galapagos Turtoise. Paling langka di dunia soalnya tinggal 1 doang yang masih hidup, which is gak bias berkembang biak lagi.
2. Baiji (Yangtze River Dolphin)

Cuma ada 10 dari binatang ini. Adanya di Cina. Aneh yah lumba – lumba nya
3. The Vancouver Island Marmot

Adanya di Vancouver Island, di British Columbia. Tinggal tersisa 75 ekor doang. Tapi udah berhasil dikembang biakan menjadi sekitar 150 ekor dan sekitar 44 yang baru lahir.
4. Seychelles Sheath-tailed Bat

Tinggal di Madagascar, Cuma ada kurang dari 100 ekor di dunia. Tapi para ahli masih berusaha buat ngembangin lagi.
5. Javan Rhino

BADAK JAWADari 60 yang diketahui, tempat tinggalnya Cuma ada 2 di jawa ( Indonesia) sama di Vietnam. Nih badak masih sering diburu di Malaysia, Sumatra, India buat diambil culanya.
6. Hispid hare

Biasa disebut “Bristly Rabbit” bias ditemukan di Himalaya, Nepal, Bengal, and Assam. Cuma bias ditemukan sekitar 110 ekor di dunia.
7. Northern Hairy-nosed Wombat

Gw sendiri gak tau ni binatang apa. Bisa ditemukan di New South Wales and Victoria (Ausi ) tapi sekarang Cuma bias ditemukan di taman nasional dekat Epping Forest Station di Queensland. Cuma ditemukan sekitar 113 ekor doang.
8. Tamaraw (Dwarf Water Buffalo)

Ditemukan di Philippines. Lucu yah ni kerbau, liat kupingnya deh. Pertama kali dinyatakan terancam punah tahun 2000. kini tinggal tersisa sekitar 30 – 200 ekor. Masih sering diburu sama pemburu liar.
9. Iberian Lynx

The Lynx. Ini kucing, bukan singa. Sesuai namanya, nih kucing adanya di Iberian ( kalo gak salah di spanyol). Cuma sekarang biasa ditemukan hanya di Andalusia. Kebanyakan mati karena kena perangkap, yang sebenarnya digunakan buat nangkap hewan buruan kayak kelinci. Cuma ada 100, turun dari 400 saat tahun 2000.
10. Red Wolf

Serigala ini masih sodaraan sama gray wolf, tapi ukurannya lebih kecil. Sekarang tempat tinggal mereka ada di timur laut North Carolina. Tinggal 20 ekor red wolves murni ditemukan tahun 1980, tapi sekarang sudah berkembang lebih dari 200 ekor.
Adanya di kepulauan pinta. Masuk dalam spesies Giant Galapagos Turtoise. Paling langka di dunia soalnya tinggal 1 doang yang masih hidup, which is gak bias berkembang biak lagi.
2. Baiji (Yangtze River Dolphin)
Cuma ada 10 dari binatang ini. Adanya di Cina. Aneh yah lumba – lumba nya
3. The Vancouver Island Marmot
Adanya di Vancouver Island, di British Columbia. Tinggal tersisa 75 ekor doang. Tapi udah berhasil dikembang biakan menjadi sekitar 150 ekor dan sekitar 44 yang baru lahir.
4. Seychelles Sheath-tailed Bat
Tinggal di Madagascar, Cuma ada kurang dari 100 ekor di dunia. Tapi para ahli masih berusaha buat ngembangin lagi.
5. Javan Rhino
BADAK JAWADari 60 yang diketahui, tempat tinggalnya Cuma ada 2 di jawa ( Indonesia) sama di Vietnam. Nih badak masih sering diburu di Malaysia, Sumatra, India buat diambil culanya.
6. Hispid hare
Biasa disebut “Bristly Rabbit” bias ditemukan di Himalaya, Nepal, Bengal, and Assam. Cuma bias ditemukan sekitar 110 ekor di dunia.
7. Northern Hairy-nosed Wombat
Gw sendiri gak tau ni binatang apa. Bisa ditemukan di New South Wales and Victoria (Ausi ) tapi sekarang Cuma bias ditemukan di taman nasional dekat Epping Forest Station di Queensland. Cuma ditemukan sekitar 113 ekor doang.
8. Tamaraw (Dwarf Water Buffalo)
Ditemukan di Philippines. Lucu yah ni kerbau, liat kupingnya deh. Pertama kali dinyatakan terancam punah tahun 2000. kini tinggal tersisa sekitar 30 – 200 ekor. Masih sering diburu sama pemburu liar.
9. Iberian Lynx
The Lynx. Ini kucing, bukan singa. Sesuai namanya, nih kucing adanya di Iberian ( kalo gak salah di spanyol). Cuma sekarang biasa ditemukan hanya di Andalusia. Kebanyakan mati karena kena perangkap, yang sebenarnya digunakan buat nangkap hewan buruan kayak kelinci. Cuma ada 100, turun dari 400 saat tahun 2000.
10. Red Wolf
Serigala ini masih sodaraan sama gray wolf, tapi ukurannya lebih kecil. Sekarang tempat tinggal mereka ada di timur laut North Carolina. Tinggal 20 ekor red wolves murni ditemukan tahun 1980, tapi sekarang sudah berkembang lebih dari 200 ekor.
13 Little Knowledge is worth Unknown
- - Unknown
Do you know the following things that we may not be aware of?
1. A black cat in a mythical many western countries associated with evil and misfortune. But in Japan it unbelievable luck.
2. Dolphins sleep close one eye while the other eye remains open
3. A tanker full of cargo and drove at normal speed, takes 20 minutes just to be able to stop. Example: if the tanker speed of 80 km / h, then count yourself how much would have run through before finally stopping when the captain tried to stop him.
4. Frog "Bullfrogs" never slept all his life
5. Lightning in the area duna occurred about 8 million times a day.
6. On average, approximately only 11% of the islands and continents in the world is used for agriculture.
7. The number of chickens on earth is far more than the human population.
8. Humans are born with 300 bones arrangement, but as he grew up the remaining amount will be reduced to 206 bones. Why? Because there are some parts that are fused.
9. The number of kangaroos in Australia sometimes more than the human population on the continent. Ratio of approximately 2:1
10. Butterflies taste the nectar of flowers with teeth
11. Turtles can breathe with the back of their bodies
12. Both running and walking, we will burn 1000 calories per mile.
13. The mass of the human brain is only 2% of the total body mass. But consumes 20% of the total oxygen and calories your body needs.
6 Tips Traveling Abroad
- - Unknown
For the first time you are traveling abroad may be feeling nervous and excited, especially if you plan to go alone. Traveling outside the State is not the same as vacation out of town or in the country. Traveling outside the State should prepare a more mature. Do not be because of one small mistake, your journey be hampered or even canceled altogether. Here are some 6 tips traveling abroad:
Essential Tips # 1: Do not forget the complete document
One of the mandatory items while traveling abroad is a passport. A passport is not hard, so you do not need to seek the services of a passport or something. All you have to do is search for information via the Internet or ask their relatives, friends, or anyone who has to go abroad. If you are still confused, just come to the local immigration office. Another important document that should be taken when traveling abroad is Visa. Please you find out if the country you are going to go need a Visa. If so, please create one. To make a Visa you can do at the Embassy or can be in your destination country's official representative. Some things that are usually required for the manufacture of Visa include proof tickets and destination address. And the most important thing is not to forget to bring your passport and your visa.
Essential Tips # 2: prepare sufficient budget
These are tips on traveling abroad you should consider carefully. Everyone certainly has different needs. Type of holiday there are two kinds, namely backpacker types and the second is exclusive. If you are visiting a country with backpacking, then you only need to prepare a budget that is sufficient for mandatory expenses such as renting a hotel room, meals, transportation, admission to attractions, etc.. Meanwhile, if you are traveling abroad for holiday shopping or fancy, then please affairs budget you set yourself. You can record the goods or services that you buy at your destination country. Do not forget to prepare cash for this you will need if it is to be on holiday abroad.
Essential Tips # 3: Check back all your belongings
Try checking your bags again, if everything is complete. Such as clothing, makeup appliances, electronic equipment, cell phones, house keys, maps, guidebooks, important cards (credit card, debit card, insurance card, etc.) and others. Please you Make me a list ranging from the most frequently used tools. This is important because if you forget the important stuff, you can find problems when they arrive in the destination country.
Essential Tips # 4: Do not forget to bring drugs
Do not just clothes and makeup all you brought, but medicines are also quite important. When you first visit abroad, then chances are your body will experience pain because they have not adapted well to the environment. If you have this, mild drugs is essential to carry.
Essential Tips # 5: Check the weather in your destination country
These are tips on traveling abroad is quite important, especially if you want to do activities that need good weather. You certainly do not want to travel when tornado season or rainy season. Therefore you please find out what the ongoing climate in your destination country. The season usually liked to travel abroad was the summer (due to sunny weather, perfect for outdoor activities), spring (the landscape is very beautiful), autumn (current nature also will look more beautiful than usual).
Essential Tips # 6: Arrange your schedule with the best
if you have limited vacation time, then schedule a concise very important to do. Please note all the attractions you visit and arrange the start of the closest lodging to the farthest. If you are using a travel agent, you can also ask their advice how to best schedule in order to really efficiently.
The Beautiful Flowers 5 Toxic and Deadly
- - Unknown
Flowers are very gorgeous, but who would have thought behind the beauty that captivates the very dangerous because it contains toxins could cause our lives drift. Who is he???
Autumn Crocus Flowers
This flower is known as one of the most poisonous plants to date. containing colchicine where the toxins contained in the flower similar to the arsenic that has no solution. This plant poisoning causes loss of blood pressure and heart disease.
Oleander flower.
Oleander is known as one of the most poisonous flower on earth, and reportedly often used for suicide in south India ... is not it?!!. various kinds of toxins contained in all parts of this plant, as Oleandrin and neriine, causing nervous system disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, and circulatory systems work to where it all happens simultaneously. victim will experience symptoms of loss of consciousness, trembling, pain, coma, and death. sap can cause skin irritation.
Rhododendron Flowers
When the flower, this plant looks very beautiful. Rhododendron contains andromedatoxin that causes vomiting, extreme pain convulsions and death.
Angel's Trumpet
Beautiful nian named "Angel's Trumpet", but you should not be fooled by the name. These flowers contain toxins that can be fatal to humans and animals. He was known as a very powerful hallucinogen because it contains tropane alkaloids.
Belladona Flower
Belladona containing tropane alkoids that could be dangerous. All parts of the plant are dangerous, but the most dangerous is its fruit seemed good to eat, particularly dangerous for anak2. symptoms that occur from toxic flower is dilated pupils, blurred vision, headaches, hallucinations and madness. Atropine toxins contained in these flowers disrupt the nervous system makes breathing disorders, sweating and heart rate
Types of Traditional Japanese Weapons
- - Unknown
Japanese traditional weapons so much we see on television and maybe that we know only samurai and their secret weapon, but it turns out there are various types of weapons in Japan, which is still used and famous through film2 and japanese comics like naruto, black knight armor, etc. .
katana (刀) is a Japanese long sword (Daito, 大刀), although in Japanese itself refers to all kinds of swords. Katana is kunyomi (Japanese title) of the kanji form 刀; while onyomi (called hanzi) is a kanji character to. It refers to the sword one eye, a special curved traditionally used by Japanese samurai.
Katana is usually paired with the wakizashi or shoto, looks similar but made shorter, both worn by members of the warrior class.

wakizashi (Japanese language: 胁 差) is a traditional Japanese sword with a blade length of the eye between 30 and 60 centimeters (between 12 to 24 inches), similar to but shorter than a katana is often worn together. When worn together, the couple was identified as daisho sword, which when translated literally as "large and small"; "dai" or large for katana, and "sho" for wakizashi.
Wakizashi is used as a weapon if no katana samurai. When entering the sacred building or building castles, samurai katana will leave the guards at the entrance. However, wakizashi always remains were taken at each time, and with it, he became the weapon of the samurai, similar to the use of a gun for the army.

naginata (なぎなた, 薙刀) is spear class weapon that was traditionally used in Japan by members of the samurai. A naginata consists of a wooden stick and machete handle curved at the ends, this weapon is the same as that held by guan yu in the history of china.
Martial arts that uses naginata called naginata-jutsu.

kama (镰 or かま) is a traditional weapon from okinawa, kama was originally used for agriculture.
Senjata kama biasa digunakan sepasang, senjata ini merupakan salah 1 senjata utama ninja, tetapi pada ujungnya dipasang gada/rantai, disebut kusari-gama.

kusari gama
kusari-gama adalah kama ( lihat diatas ), tetapi memiliki rantai yang diikatkan dengan senjata tajam ( gada, pedang kecil, dll )

sai (釵) adalah senjata tradisional yang berasal dari okinawa, juga digunakan di india, china, indonesia dan malaysia. Sai adalah senjata yang berbentuk seperti trisula.
Sai pada awalnya adalah alat pertanian.

shuriken (手裏剣;"hand hidden blade") adalah senjata tradisional jepang yang pada umumnya digunakan untuk dilempar ke lawan, dan kadang digunakan untuk menusuk dan memotong arteri lawan. Shuriken dibuat dari jarum, pisau, dan bahan logam lain. Shuriken adalah senjata yang paling sering digunakan setelah katana dan naginata.
Ilmu beladiri yang menggunakan shuriken disebut shuriken-jutsu, shuriken-jutsu pada dulunya diajarkan di perguruan ninja.
Shuriken dikenal dengan sebutan "bintang ninja"

kunai adalah senjata lempar tradisional jepang, muncul pada era kaisar tensho. Kunai pada umumnnya dibuat dari besi, bukan baja/metal lain, dibuat dengan murah dan tidak di-polish. Kunai biasanya berukuran 20-60cm, dan rata-rata 40 cm.
Kunai pada dulunya adalah alat untuk berkebun dan alat bagi para pekerja batu.
Kunai dipercaya sebenarnya bukan senjata yang didesain untuk dilempar, tetapi dapat dilempar dan menghasilkan daya hancur yang lumayan.

Aircraft design unique in the World
- - UnknownHere are some of the aircraft design is so unique and rare, is there any of you who have seen or even had been to ride .....let's see together below check it out.....

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10 Photos of World's First Colour
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Abbey Photos Svetlitsa Island, Saint Nil Stolbenskii Monastery, Lake Seliger Year 1910 by Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin
Trans-Siberian Railway over the Kama River near Perm, Ural Mountains Region in 1910 by Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii
Interior cotton textile factory in Tashkent between 1905 and 1915 Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii
en farmers, the Russian Empire was offering berries in a rural area along the Sheksna, near the town of Kirillov photo taken in 1909
One side of the Altar Dmitrievskii Cathedral, Vladimir in 1911
The man who sat in the doorway of yurt in foreground, between 1905 and 1915.
Isfandiyar, Khan of the Russian protectorate of Khorezm, between 1910 and 1915.
Bashkir switchman, 1910
Men and camels full of luggage between 1905 and 1915
Category List
- Information (2)
- Inspiration (2)
- Motivation (1)
- UniqueNews (69)
Blog Archive
- 10 Hewan Terlangka Di Dunia
- 13 Little Knowledge is worth Unknown
- 6 Tips Traveling Abroad
- The Beautiful Flowers 5 Toxic and Deadly
- Types of Traditional Japanese Weapons
- Aircraft design unique in the World
- Bizarre Toilets In The World
- 10 Photos of World's First Colour
- Top 5 World's Dams
- Sejarah Tersembunyi Para Pemimpin Di Dunia
- Coldest Cities in the World
- 5 Cities in the World horrible
- 8 Great Discovery by Women
- 7 New Year's tradition is unique in many countries
- Mobile-Mobile Extreme In The World
- World's First Painting
- Deepest Seabed Area
- 7 Strange Aircraft Design
- Signs Crazy Men in Women
- 10 Most Romantic Place In The World
- The World's Oldest Twins
- 6 Still Natural Places in the World
- The story of Legend, Ghost Murder Women Reveal Him...
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- Pygmalion Law - Law of Positive Thinking
- 5 Most Common Lies Women
- JAPAN ... Asian giant that should be a role model ...
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- Penemuan Menakjubkan di 2012 yang Dulu Hanya Ada d...
- 10 Film yang Ditunggu di 2013
- Prediksi Astronom, 2013 Bumi Kembali Alami Zaman Es